Friday, October 24, 2008

Isu Blog

Mengemaskini blog memang sesuatu yang menarik dan mengasyikkan bagi mereka yang mahir dan cintakan aktiviti itu.

Namun bagi yang kurang mahir beserta kesibukan dengan pelbagai tanggungjawab bab kata orang putih 'all in one' , i'm a mother, i'm a teacher, i'm my own administrator, i'm a good neighbour, i'm a good community member and now i'm a blogger, tugasan ini agak menuntut kesabaran tahap dewa.

Sungguhpun begitu, we usually can manage, bak kata pepatah dalam resume saya 7 tahun dulu, able to adapt well in any environment.

Tapi honestly, i will spend about 5 hours to surf the net.

Why so long?

firstly, vista need more than 3 minutes to start, secondly, connecting to internet for each webpage needs time too, then acara selingan, buat susu anak, jawab sms, jawab panggilan, cari info untuk P&P, edit gambar sblm upload, tengok berita kat tv, solat, tidur jap sbb mengantuk, basuh kain, jemur kain, sekarang sibuk menyemak kertas periksa, makan minum mandi dan dua lagi tuntutan hakiki.

So, for those who manage to update their blogs, surely a managable person, hehehe.

But for the superiors, kindly understand. i suggest u call us up for a meeting somewhere with excellent internet connection, then let us update our blog freely provided an IT expert assisting us. Then, make it once a quarter year ke kan. Thank you.

i beleive that is all on my mind at the momment. Till next update. Bye.